FAQ: What is a Permalink and How do I Find or Create One for Library Resources?
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Last Updated: Dec 30, 2024
Views: 14051
What is a Permalink?
A permanent link, or permalink, is a link that allows users to retrieve resources for future use. Specifically, a permalink is a web address that consistently points to a specific information source such as an eBook, an article, a record in the library book search, a video, or a database. A permalink may also be referred to as a:
- Bookmark URL
- Document Link/URL
- Resource Link
- Persistent Link/URL
- Record URL
- Stable Link/URL
- Static Link/URL
Why Do I Need a Permalink to Library Resources?
The URL from your browser's address bar is a session link that will soon expire. It will not allow you to access the resource again in the future. This is why it is a good idea to either find or create a permalink to most of our library resources.
Exceptions: The URLs in the Multi-Search, Library Book Search, and EBSCOhost databases act as permalinks.
Please see the screenshot below of where you can find the permalink for a resource found via a ProQuest
What is the Proxy Server Prefix and How Do I Add it to the Permalink?
The proxy system the library uses for off-campus access requires that permalinks begin with a special prefix. If you are not sure whether a permalink includes the proxy server prefix, examine the link. If the following is listed at the beginning of the link, the proxy server prefix is included:
For example, if you are trying to access this link: https://www.jstor.org/stable/40343722 This link opens in a new window, you can make it work from off-campus by adding the prefix like this:
Alternatively, you can use our handy link generator to easily create proxied URLs and DOIs that will work from off-campus.
For Further Assistance
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please open a chat with us 24/7 from the library homepage or email us at ask@snhu.libanswers.com.
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