Last Updated: Oct 24, 2022 Views: 361

SAGE Knowledge includes a mix of owned and subscribed content with unlimited user access.

Recommendation: All e-books from 2007-present are owned. For any titles with a publication date of 2006 or older, please fill out a check library license request form to inquire if we own it or if we need to purchase.

 No Risk   Content that is older than 2007 needs to be verified, but 2007-2019 e-book titles we own and have available for an unlimited number of students. 

In early 2021, SAGE records included a "Buy Now" button in the collapsed More Information section of their eBooks. SAGE is looking into the visibility of this potentially confusing button. Students do not need to purchase these texts- the full-text is available elsewhere in the record.

Shapiro library acquires material using a variety of licenses and access models. Some of these models are better suited to long term use as learning resources in the LMS. Before you use material from this database in the LMS, please consider the license, access model, and recommendation above. Contact an eLearning Librarian for additional information or guidance with this resource.

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