Can I link directly into a resource such as a PDF or EPUB article/chapter?
Last Updated: Oct 24, 2022
Views: 324
Last Updated: Oct 24, 2022
Views: 324
Many of the library resources and web resources you will come across do have the functionality of linking learners directly to the page you'd like them to read. While this may sound like a good idea to put learners exactly onto the page they need, there are significant usability items to consider. Our best practice recommendation is to link learners to the detailed record page, whenever possible.
For example, this is the page with details about the resource from within the Multi-Search (called the "detailed record" page):
Why do we recommend this?
- Better Performance: Linking directly into the resource (e.g. a specific page or chapter) often results in slow load times for learners, depending on their device and connection speed.
- Accessibility: Linking directly to the full text of resources may impact accessibility. For example, the Multi-Search has a feature that gives learners using screen readers the option to request an accessible copy of articles from the detailed record page. They won't hear this option if linked to the full text of the resource.
- Research Impact: Linking directly into the page does not allow learners to read any of the detailed bibliographic information such as authors, source info, related subjects and keywords. This information is key to assisting readers in making content connections and thinking of other ways to expand their knowledge.
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