FAQ: Where can I find company and industry ratios in the library?
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Last Updated: Dec 30, 2024
Views: 2164
Last Updated: Dec 30, 2024
Views: 2164
What are Company and Industry Financial Ratios?
- Financial ratios are used to measure the financial condition of a company or industry.
- They are also used to compare the financial strengths and weaknesses of one company with another or with its broader industry.
- Ratios are generally calculated using financial data available through public disclosures.
- Companies do not need to calculate and disclose these ratios themselves.
- Library-subscribed company and industry databases generally calculate and provide ratios in their financial data sections.
Where Can I Find Company and Industry Financial Ratios in the Library?
Recommended Databases
- Mergent Online This link opens in a new window
- Company Ratios: Search for a company and navigate to the company profile page. Then, select the “Company Financials” tab, and then “Ratios.”
- IBISWorld This link opens in a new window
- Industry Ratios: Search for an industry and navigate to an industry report. Then, in the left navigation menu, select "Financial Benchmarks" and it will expand. You will then see two sections that include ratios: "Financial Ratios" and "Key Ratios."
Other Databases with Ratios
- Business Insights Global This link opens in a new window
- Company Ratios: Search for a company and navigate to the company profile page. Scroll down to the "Financial Performance" area and on the right side is a "Ratios" section. Click the "All Ratios" link to see a full list of ratios for that company.
- Capital IQ This link opens in a new window
- Company Ratios: Search for a company and navigate to the company profile page. Then, in the left navigation menu under “Financials/Valuation” select “Ratios.”
- Industry Ratios: On the main page, mouse over “Markets” and select from the industries listed under the “Industries” heading. Then, in the left navigation menu under “Industry Profile” select “Key Stats & Ratios.”
- D&B Hoovers This link opens in a new window
- Company ratios: Search for a company and navigate to the company profile page. Then, in the left navigation menu, under “Financials” select “Annual Ratios.”
- Industry Ratios: Search for a company and navigate to the company profile page. Then, in the left navigation menu, under “Financials” select “Ratio Comparisons.”
- MarketLine (Explorer) This link opens in a new window
- Company Ratios: Click "Explorer" under Cross Industry Intelligence Center. Search for a company and navigate to a company profile page. Then, in the left navigation menu click on “Financials." Scroll down to see the "Financial Ratios" section.
- Mergent Intellect This link opens in a new window
- Company Ratios: Search for a company, select the “Financial Details” tab, and then “Ratio.”
- Company or Industry Ratios: On the main page, scroll down to the link for “Key Business Ratios.” On the Key Business Ratios page select “Ratios” over on the top right and then use the options to identify an industry or company.
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