Last Updated: Feb 10, 2025 Views: 5249

PsycArticles or PsycINFO Search

The following databases have an option to limit your search to articles that contain a qualitative or a quantitative study:

Both of these databases can be accessed by:

  1. Selecting the A-Z Database List on the library's homepage under "Quick Links"
  2. Choose "P" from the alphabet
  3. Find "PsycARTICLES - EBSCO" or "PsycINFO - EBSCO" on the list of databases available there.

How to Search

  1. Once you are in the database, click on the “Advanced Search” link under the search box.

  2. Enter your search keywords into the search box at the top of the page. Then, look towards the bottom of the page, where there is a “Methodology” scroll box that includes the options “Qualitative Study” and “Quantitative Study.”

  3. Select the Methodology option that you need, and continue with your search. The resulting articles will be only those that contain the qualitative or quantitative study methodology that you chose. Be sure to review the full text of the article to ensure that it contains all of the study elements required for your assignment.

For additional information on psychology research, check out our Psychology Research Guide.

Keyword Search

You can also find qualitative and quantitative data using a keyword search:

Qualitative research

Qualitative research collects non-numerical data to understand or explain opinions, concepts, and experiences. Examples of qualitative studies include interviews, ethnographic studies, documents, focus groups, diary accounts, observations, and case study reviews.  Keyword examples for qualitative data include: phenomenological, life experiences, grounded theory, focus groups, interview, and descriptive research.

Qualitative Research Examples

PTSD AND Focus groups

PTSD AND Interviews

Quantitative research

Quantitative research collects numerical data to understand or explain opinions, concepts, and experiences. Examples of quantitative research include survey research, correlational research, experimental research. Keyword examples for quantitative data include: ANOVA, chi square, correlation, statistical, pretest, posttest, reliability, t-test, data, distribution, experiment, time series, validity, variance, and variable.

Essentially, qualitative research is text-based, void of statistical tests, and more subjective in nature. Quantitative research is number-based, often includes statistics and measured results, and is more objective in nature. You will often find that articles contain a mix of both qualitative and quantitative research.

Quantitative Research Examples

PTSD AND experimental study

PTSD AND (data OR statistic* OR correlation)

Content authored by: RP

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