FAQ: How do I find Industry information in D&B Hoovers?
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Last Updated: Jun 23, 2023
Views: 2275
The Shapiro Library subscribes to two versions of Hoovers: D&B Hoovers and Mergent Intellect.
D&B Hoovers
You can access D&B Hoovers under “D” in the A to Z Database List of the Shapiro Library homepage.
In the Desktop dashboard, select "Research Industries" and you can search by keyword or by Name or Code. Once you have identified your industry, the industry page will have information including industry activities, top industry participants, geographic segmentation, industry news, market research reports, etc.
Mergent Intellect
If you need more industry information and your professor has said to use Hoovers, you can use the Mergent Intellect platform which ties Hoovers (in a different view), Key Business Ratios, and First Research (detailed Industry Reports) together. The Mergent Intellect Platform is located under “M” in the A to Z Database List on the Shapiro Library homepage.
When the platform opens, you will see one search box at the top to search in. Under the search box, you will see choices for "Company", "Executive", "Industry", and "New U.S. Business".
While you can select use the "Industry" put in a SIC or NAICS code to search, you may find that this search gives more information on sales in the industry.
The best option may be to go further down on the page and choose "First Research" in the second row of the gray box. When you choose "First Research", you will be able to search for your SIC or NAICS code and get a full industry report with much more detail.
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