FAQ: How do I access the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry?
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Last Updated: Dec 30, 2024
Views: 1128
In order to access the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry This link opens in a new window you can follow these steps:
- Access the Publication Finder This link opens in a new window from the library's homepage - it is an option under "Find Articles, eBooks, & More"
- Enter "Journal of Clinical Psychiatry" in the search box
- Press Search
- The library has online access through Physicians Postgraduate Press: Psychiatrist.com (articles available from 01/01/1997 - present) - select that title and the journal page will open
- You are now free to read the articles.
However, if you are trying to access "Online Exclusives" you will have to create a free personal account. You can create an account by going to the registration page This link opens in a new window directly.
You can also register from is from the journal site by following these steps:
- The Online Exclusives will appear as below as you browse the issues:
- Select the exclusive you would like to read and it will open an abstract/summary page - Click on "See the entire activity" under the abstract/summary.
- It will take you to a login screen where you can also register for a free personal account by clicking "Register" and you will be taken to the registration page.
If you are still having trouble, please contact the library either by chat (click the 24/7 Library Chat icon) or by email at ask@snhu.libanswers.com,
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