Last Updated: Jul 15, 2024 Views: 538

Accessing Poetry and Short Story Reference Center

You can access the Poetry and Short Story Reference Center This link opens in a new window by following these steps:

  1. Select A - Z Database List on the library homepage under "Quick Links"
  2. Choose "P" from the alphabet
  3. Find "Poetry and Short Story Reference Center" on the list of databases available there.

Using Poetry and Short Story Reference Center

  1. Type your keywords into the EBSCOhost search box.
  2. Click on the title of an item to open to the abstract (summary).
  3. Full text is usually linked on the left side of the abstract page.
  4. Cite option is in the Tools menu on the right side of the abstract page.

More Help with Poetry and Short Story Reference Center

Search Tips

To help make your search keywords provide more relevant results try using quotation marks around any important phrases or specific terms. Also, consider using  Boolean searching, which connects the keywords using AND or OR.

For example, if you are researching themes in Emily Dickinson poems, you could try searches like these:

  • "Emily Dickinson"
  • "Emily Dickinson" AND Poetry
  • "Emily Dickinson" AND Poetry AND (Nature OR Death)

To further limit your results look to the left side of the results page in the Refine Results column. There are options to narrow results to peer-reviewed, select a specific date range, choose source type, or even narrow further by subject.

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