FAQ: How do I cite a television show in MLA Style?
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Last Updated: Dec 30, 2024
Views: 69887
Television Show & Episodes
Citing an Entire Television Show
General Format
Show Title. Created by Creator, Television Station.
For Example
Being Mary Jane. Created by Mara Brock Akil, BET.
In-Text Citation
Parenthetical Citation
(Being Mary Jane)
Citation in Prose
The BET series, Being Mary Jane, ....
Citing One Episode
General Format
"Episode Title." Show Title, created by Creator, season #, episode #, Production Company / Television Station, Aired Date.
For Example
"Girls Night In." Being Mary Jane, created by Mara Brock Akil, season 1, episode 2, Akil Productions / Breakdown Productions / BET, 14 Jan. 2014.
In-Text Citation
Parenthetical Citation
("Girls Night In")
Citation in Prose
Gabrielle Union, star of Being Mary Jane, gave an impressive performance in the episode "Girls Night In" that explored...
Viewed through an app (Netflix, Hulu, etc.)
(Add info about using creators, directors, etc. depending on what you are discussing.)
General Format
"Episode Title." Show Title, created by Creator, season #, episode #, Television Station, Aired Date. App Name app.
For Example
"Chapter One: Pilot." Jane The Virgin, created by Jennie Snyder Urman, season 1, episode 1, The CW, 13 Oct. 2014. Netflix app.
In-Text Citation
Parenthetical Citation
("Chapter One: Pilot")
Citation in Prose
Jane Villanueva...in the pilot "Chapter One: Pilot"...
Viewed on a website
(Add info about using creators, directors, etc. depending on what you are discussing.)
General Format
"Episode Title." Show Title, created by Creator, season #, episode #, Television Station, Aired Date. Website URL.
For Example
"Chapter One: Pilot." Jane The Virgin, created by Jennie Snyder Urman, season 1, episode 1, The CW, 13 Oct. 2014. Netflix www.netflix.com.
In-Text Citation
Parenthetical Citation
("Chapter One: Pilot")
Citation in Prose
Jane Villanueva...in the pilot "Chapter One: Pilot"...
Viewed on DVD, Blu Ray, or other physical media
General Format
"Episode Title." Year Aired. Show Title, directed by Director, episode #, Television Station, Year Released, disc #. Format.
For Example
Note: In the example below the episode was aired and released on DVD in the same year.
"Mystery Spot." Supernatural: Season 3, directed by Kim Manners, episode 11, 2008, disc 4. DVD.
In-Text Citation
Parenthetical Citation
("Mystery Spot")
Citation in Prose
Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles give hysterical performances in the Groundhog Day-inspired episode "Mystery Spot."
More Information
- MLA Guide (Shapiro Library)
- MLA Style This link opens in a new window
Further Help
This information is intended to be a guideline, not expert advice. Please be sure to speak to your professor about the appropriate way to cite a television show in your class assignments and projects.
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