Last Updated: Jun 22, 2023 Views: 1250

You can access First Research through Mergent INTELLECT by following these steps:

  1. Select A-Z Database List on the library homepage under "Quick Links"
  2. Choose "M" from the alphabet
  3. Find "Mergent INTELLECT" on the list of databases available there
  4. Scroll down until you find the First Research icon
  5. Click on the First Research icon and a new window will open.
  6. Click on the submit button to access the database.

    Screenshot of where to find the submit button on the initial page. It is located under the "Access First Research" heading and the text above says "Click submit below to access."

First Research contains valuable industry information reports.  The reports include the following information:

  • Industry Forecast
  • Critical Issues
  • Business Trends
  • Industry Opportunities
  • Business Challenges
  • Quarterly Industry Updates
  • Continuously updated News and Social Media

You can search by keyword or NAICS or SIC industry code. 

You can also access North America Regional Info which contains state-based economic information such as job growth, news, and top industry growth.

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