FAQ: How do I find library articles that discuss certain paintings?
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Last Updated: Jun 27, 2023
Views: 539
The following databases and other sources are great places to search for information about your artist and painting.
Art History Guide
Start your search at our Art History Guide.
Credo Reference
- Click on the "Getting Started" tab in the left-hand margin of the Art History Guide.
- Scroll down that page to click on Credo Reference in the second large box beneath the video tutorial on how to use Credo.
- When the Credo search interface comes up, type in the name of your artist(s) (one at a time).
Oxford Art Online
- Next, return to the Art History Guide page, and click on the link to Oxford Art Online in the first large box under the video tutorial
- When the search interface comes up, type in the name of your artist(s) (one at a time).
Khan Academy - Art History Basics
- Return to the Art History Guide "Getting Started" page and scroll down to click on the "Khan Academy - Art History" link.
- When the interface comes up, type in the name of your artist(s) (one at a time) next to the search icon at the top, and a list will appear as you type.
Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History
- Next, return to the "Getting Started" page of the Art History Guide and click on Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History
- When the page comes up, click on the search icon in the upper right corner, and type in the name of your artist(s) (one at a time).
Multi-Search & Other Databases
Lastly, you can conduct a search in the Multi-Search box on the library home page. Format your search like this: Artist name AND painting name
Click on the ProQuest Central button at the top of the right-hand margin of your results list, and a new tab will open with the same search in the ProQuest platform.
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