Last Updated: Jun 26, 2023 Views: 954

EBSCO eBooks

EBSCO is increasingly offering books in two different eBook viewing formats, PDF and EPUB.  The format you want to use depends on what functionality you want, including saving pages. 


You can tell you're in the PDF because there's a little box at the bottom that lets you type in a page number to jump to that page, whereas the EPUB doesn't have that.


EPUB will re-wrap the text according to your screen size and you have much more flexibility re font size etc. - it's a much better reading experience. The arrows at the bottom navigate between sections and not pages.

Saving Pages

However, if you need to save pages to a PDF, and your intent is to possibly cite a quotation from the book, it is important that you save from the PDF view, not the EPUB view because the original page numbers are totally lost from the downloaded PDF when saved from the EPUB view. In the EPUB-originated saved PDF, you get instead artificially generated 1,2,3,4 page numbers at the bottom which in no way correspond to the actual book page numbers. The original book page numbers are completely lost.

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