Looking to cite a SWOT Analysis, 10-K, or other resources from a business database? Select the database below to see examples of how to properly cite business sources in APA., Inc. (2020). 2020 Amazon annual report.
Nike, Inc. (2020). 2020 annual report.
Dunn & Bradstreet. (n.d.). Ford Motor Company [Company profile]. Retrieved August 19, 2021, from
Ford Motor Company. (2021, February 5). Form 10-K. Dun & Bradstreet.
GlobalData. (2021, August 13). Ford Motor Company SWOT analysis. Dun & Bradstreet.
Dunn & Bradstreet. (2021, August). Ford Motor Company: Annual income (standardized) [Table].
Failla, J. (2020, September). Pizza restaurants – US. Mintel Academic.
Horton, A. (2020, September 16). US consumers rediscover their love for the outdoors. Mintel Academic.
Esri. (2020). 8A city lights [Demographic profile].
In-Text Citation: (Esri, 2020)
You will find sample citations for most of our business databases in the Word document on the left side of the Citing Business and Legal Sources page of our Citing Your Sources research guide.
This information is intended to be a guideline, not expert advice. Please be sure to speak to your professor about the appropriate way to cite sources in your class assignments and projects.
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Content authored by: GS
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