FAQ: How do I create clips and playlists in SAGE Video?
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Last Updated: Feb 24, 2025
Views: 712
Sage Video
Create an account with SAGE Video
Once signed in locate the video that you want to include or from which you want to create a clip.
Link to the full video
From the upper right hand corner of the screen choose the choose the link icon and copy the permalink for the video. Copy and paste link into the OpenAthens URL generator - allowing SNHU affiliates to access the video off campus.
Create a Playlist
Choose the Add to My List icon in the upper right corner to create add a video to a Playlist and to create a new playlist. To view your playlist click on your username and the My Lists link
Create a Clip
Click the prominent red “create a clip” button below the video. Click the start and end time blanks and then anywhere on the timeline to create starting and stopping points for the clip. Once you are finished you may save the clip to an existing or new playlist.
Link to a Clip
Click the prominent red “create a clip” button below the video. Click the start and end time blanks and then anywhere on the timeline to create starting and stopping points for the clip. Once you are finished, save the clip. Then choose the link icon in the upper right corner. Right click on the permalink suffix (looks like: ?clip=123456) to copy link address. Copy and paste link into the OpenAthens URL generator - allowing SNHU affiliates to access the video off campus.
Create a playlist of clips
Click the prominent red “create a clip” button below the video. Click the start and end time blanks and then anywhere on the timeline to create starting and stopping points for the clip. Once you are finished you may save the clip to an existing or new playlist.
Share a playlist
Go to My Lists from you username. Click the Share option above the list. You will need to send yourself an email which will include a link to the shared playlist. - Copy and paste link into the OpenAthens URL generator - allowing SNHU affiliates to access the video off campus.
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