Last Updated: May 08, 2024 Views: 1975

The Multi-Search has a filter that allows you to limit your search results to Primary Source Documents.

  1. In the Multi-Search on the library home page, enter your search terms and click the Search button.

    Screenshot of Multi-Search with search terms

  2. Once you have search results, look to the Refine Results column on the left side of the page. Look for the "Limit by Content Type" filter, and if it is not expanded, click on it to see all the source options. Depending on your search terms, you may see "Primary Source Documents" listed, but if not, click on the little "Show More" link at the bottom of the content types.

    Screenshot of search results with Limit by Content Type filter

  3. A "Limit by Content Type" popup window will display. Scroll in the window to look for the checkbox for Primary Source Documents and click on it. Then, click the yellow "Update" button.

    Screenshot of Limit by Content Type popup window

Your search results will now show you only Primary Source Documents.

Please note: The only content types that appear in this box are ones that are already present in your search results. If you do not see a checkbox for Primary Source Documents, that means that your search terms did not find any. Not all topics have Primary Source Documents.

If you need further assistance with primary source research, please let us know. In the top right corner of this page, you can start a chat with our research support team, or email us directly at

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