Last Updated: Aug 28, 2023 Views: 419

Our Credo Reference and Nexis Uni databases have legal reference materials.

Nexis Uni

In Nexis Uni, you can access Ballantine’s Law Dictionary by doing an Advanced Search. 
Screenshot of Nexis Uni Advanced Search link which is under the main search box on their home page.

Type in your legal term and then look below where it says Source and type in Ballentine’s and the full title will pop up and you can select it and then run your search.

Screenshot of Nexis Uni Advanced Search showing the Source lookup function

Credo Reference

In Credo Reference, you have access to Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law as well as many other legal reference materials. First do a search for your term on the home page. Once you get back your results, you will see a link to the Advanced Search over on the top right.

Screenshot of Credo Reference search

Type your search term into the box that says “with the exact phrase” and then scroll down and click on the “Select Subjects or Titles.” Once you do that, look for the “Social Sciences” category and expand the section for “Criminology & Law.” Scroll all the way down the list and you will see the boxes for the Merriam-Webster Dictionary of Law as well as many other legal reference titles such as the World of Criminal Justice, Gale. Check those boxes and then run your search.

Screenshot of the Subjects or Titles that you can choose.

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Content authored by: GS

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