Last Updated: Jun 26, 2023 Views: 546

NOTE: If you currently have an open Interlibrary Loan request, please CHECK YOUR SNHU EMAIL every day in case we need to contact you about your request. Due to current reduced staffing, we recommend allowing the maximum time possible for processing your ILL requests.

If you look carefully when you create a new Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Request you will see there are three different forms: Complete Book, Journal Article or Book Chapter, and Other. Please select the appropriate form as you begin so we have all the details needed to fulfill your request in a timely manner.

Journal Article or Book Chapter

The default request option, Journal Article or Book Chapter will be for any article (journal, magazine, etc.) or a single book chapter.

Complete Book

The Complete Book form asks you to fill in your mailing address so that we can confirm what address you will need the item mailed to.

NOTE: We fill all book requests with eBook versions whenever possible. If an eBook is not available, we will obtain a print copy and deliver it to the location you specified in the form.


The Other form is for material in unusual formats and will ask you to select the resource format and to confirm your mailing address.

Additional Information

When making your request, please include as much information as possible. If you are requesting through a database (and the request form has auto-filled some or all of the information for you) please confirm that the information in the form is correct for the resource you need before submitting.

**Please check your SNHU email at least daily until you receive your copy request or your loan request is returned. We may need to contact you for clarification or updates about your request**

Content authored by: KK

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