Last Updated: Jul 16, 2024 Views: 1688

What are Research Guides?

Research Guides are mini-websites developed by librarians to help you identify and locate scholarly and non-scholarly resources on a particular subject or for a particular course. They may also contain information on library services, research tips, career information, and more. 

Where Can I Find the Research Guides?

Look for the Research Guides link in the top navigation bar on the library homepage. Once you click on the Research Guides link, you'll be taken to a page with an alphabetical list of all available research guides. Choose a guide from that list or choose from the options at the top of the list to select guides "By Subject" or "By Type."

When Should I Use a Research Guide for my Research?

Most Useful For

  • Finding a wide variety of resources such as books, articles, and websites on a specific subject or for a specific course in a single location
  • Getting librarian-recommended resources, tools and tips for your research 


  • Some subjects or courses may not have a research guide associated with them (yet)
  • Guides are not exhaustive--users may need to search in other places or use other resources to find all the sources and information they need for their research or coursework

Our Recommendation

Consider using the Research Guides primarily when you:

  • Want to save time by utilizing a one-stop source of information for subject-specific or course-specific research
  • Need guidance on which databases to use or where to start doing research 
  • Are interested in finding a wide variety of source types

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are a self-serve option for users to search and find answers to their questions. 

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