Last Updated: Apr 16, 2024 Views: 507

What ChatGPT is

ChatGPT is a generative text artificial intelligence (AI) tool developed by OpenAI and launched in November 2022.

How ChatGPT works

  • ChatGPT does NOT work like Google or the library databases.
  • It does not search the Internet or the scholarly journals in the library.
  • It learns using a snapshot of massive amounts of training data taken from the Internet from time to time.

ChatGPT and Reference Credibility

  • Prompting ChatGPT to locate sources about your research topic will generate a list of references that may seem like legitimate citations to articles.
  • ChatGPT references might be "hallucinations" and not even exist as published research. This is because ChatGPT does NOT have the capability to actively search the library databases and the Internet.
  • Some references provided by ChatGPT may exist because they were included in the training data, but no distinction is made between real and made-up citations in the list generated.
  • ChatGPT is answering the prompt with what it thinks are examples of sources relevant to your research topic.

Content authored by: AG/CD

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