FAQ: How do I find information on formatting and printing a poster?
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Last Updated: Dec 30, 2024
Views: 258
Poster Design Guide
The Poster Design guide is provided to help SNHU students use basic design principles to create professional, academic posters. It includes tips, examples, poster templates, high-resolution versions of the SNHU logo, and instructions for printing posters at the Innovation Lab & Makerspace.
Best Practices & Tips
Posters are used by professionals and academics to quickly and effectively communicate important ideas to an audience. In general, readers may spend anywhere from 30 seconds to 5 minutes interacting with your poster and your poster should be designed to inform readers regardless of where they fall on that spectrum. Be sure to check out the Best Practices & Tips section of the Poster Design Guide to review strategies for organizing information and displaying it visually for the greatest impact on your audience.
Poster Templates & Logos
The Poster Templates & Logos section of the Poster Design Guide provides poster templates that are available for SNHU students, faculty and staff to download and use. Poster templates are currently available as Microsoft PowerPoint. High-Resolution versions of the SNHU logo are also available to download.
HP Designjet Z6200 Large Format Printer
The Innovation Lab & Makerspace is pleased to offer an HP Designjet Z6200 large format printer for use by currently enrolled SNHU students, faculty, and staff for individual printing needs. You can find the specs of the large format printer, the printer policies, as well as printing costs on the HP Designjet Z6200 Large Format Printer section of the Poster Design Guide.
Request a Poster
Ready to submit your poster printing request? Just fill out this form This link opens in a new window and upload your poster PDF and the Makerspace will get to work printing your academic poster!
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