FAQ: Where can I find the information I need to create a citation for a YouTube video?
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Last Updated: Jan 06, 2025
Views: 63
Locating Information For a YouTube Video Citation
To cite a video correctly, you may need to explore the page to find the information. If you need more guidance on what to include in your citation, refer to the style guide required for your course. Here is a list of the general information you need for a YouTube video citation and where to find it.
For a YouTube Video:
- Title of Video: Located under the video usually in bold text. Copy exactly what is posted as the title on YouTube.
- Username/Owner of YouTube Account: Located under the title of the video on the left-hand side.
- Primary creator or author: Check the description and click on the account name for more information. If it’s not clear who the primary creator or author of a video is, you could omit this info from the citation.
- Publisher of Video: This will be YouTube.
- Date: Click on the "More" link in the description to see the posting date. It will be at the top of the description in bold after you click on more.
- URL: Found in the address bar at the top of your browser window or via clicking on the 'Share' button.
- Timestamp (if citing a specific moment): Note the start and stop time of video content you are citing (for in-text MLA citations)
Example of a TED Talk YouTube Video:
- Title of Video: The danger of AI is weirder than you think| Janelle Shane
- Username/Owner of YouTube Account: TED
- Primary creator or author: unknown
- Publisher of Video: YouTube
- Date: November 13, 2019
- URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OhCzX0iLnOc
- Range of time: 00:00:30-00:00:45
More Information
Citing Your Sources Guide (Shapiro Library)
APA Style Guide (Shapiro Library)
MLA Style Guide (Shapiro Library)
Chicago Style Guide (Shapiro Library)
This information is intended to be a guideline, not expert advice. Please be sure to speak to your professor about the appropriate way to cite sources in your class assignments and projects.
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