FAQ: What is Academic Writer- APA and how do I access it?
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Last Updated: Mar 17, 2025
Views: 1957
What is Academic Writer-APA?
Academic Writer- APA is an online tool that provides a range of services to help students understand and use APA Style.
- Learn: Use the Learning Center to improve your academic writing and learn about APA Style. You will find helpful guides, interactive tutorials, quizzes, sample papers, and direct links to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).
- Reference: Use the Reference Center to create and manage APA Style references with a guided reference generator and import existing files.
- Write: Use the Writing Center to access easy-to-use templates, helpful research tools, a resource area for quick citation and formatting, and features for collaborating on group projects and receiving teacher feedback.
How to Access
To access Academic Writer- APA, you must use the database link on the library’s A-Z Database List.
Creating a Personal Account
We recommend creating a free personal account to have access to all the features.
- At the top right of the Academic Writer website, select Welcome. Use the dropdown menu to select Login.
- When the Login form opens, select Create an Account under the login box.
- You must use your SNHU email as your username. You can use any password you choose and select Create Account.
Even after you have created your account, you must still access this resource through the link on the A-Z Databases List.
Supported Browsers
According to APA, the following browsers are supported: This link opens in a new window
- For MacOS and iOS users, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari are supported.
- For PC and Android users, Chrome and Firefox are supported.
- Edge, Internet Explorer, and other browsers are not supported.
More Information
- Visit the Academic Writer Tool page on the APA Style Guide
- Visit the APA Publishing Learning Commons This link opens in a new window FAQS on Academic Writer for more tips and information.
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