FAQ: What is the 24/7 Library Chat service?
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Last Updated: Jul 09, 2024
Views: 4558
The 24/7 Library Chat service provides SNHU students, faculty, and staff with research support assistance and help with questions related to the Shapiro Library. It is staffed by a combination of SNHU Research Support students, who are trained to provide library research support to the SNHU community, and qualified non-SNHU staff. The 24/7 Chat is the quickest way to receive assistance with any questions related to the Shapiro Library or research.
If you are using the 24/7 Chat with a Librarian service between the hours of 10 pm and 12 pm (noon), you will be chatting with a librarian from another academic institution, sometimes even in the United Kingdom, or from a national 24/7 cooperative reference service. SNHU librarians may follow up on those chats with additional information after your chat with a non-SNHU librarian. You are can also email the Library at ask@snhu.libanswers.com to receive email assistance during our next available hours.
To use the 24/7 Chat with a Librarian service:
- Click on the gold "24/7 Library Chat" button at the top of this page
- You will automatically be connected to a page with a short form for you to fill out. Any information you can provide about your assignment or research topic will also be helpful.
- After filling out the form:
- Click "Start Chat" from 12 pm (noon) to 10 pm and a SNHU Research Support student will chat with you
- Click "Connect" outside the hours above and a librarian from another academic institution or the cooperative reference service will be with you shortly.
- Please note that SNHU operates on Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Please note that non-SNHU librarians do not have access to your library account information.
Alternatively, you can see if your question can be answered by:
- Searching our FAQs to find the answers to frequently asked questions about the Shapiro Library, our services and resources, research help, and more.
- Visiting our Troubleshooting Guide for help troubleshooting a technology or database problem, additional resources and contact information, etc.
- Using a Research Guide to find books and eBooks, databases and journals, websites, research tips, and more resources to help you do research on a specific topic (e.g. Biology) or for a specific course (e.g. MKT 113).
- Visit our Getting Started with Research Guide for generalized information on how to do research, evaluate sources, navigate the library website, use databases, etc.
Please note that priority is given to Southern New Hampshire University students, faculty, or staff and to questions about the Shapiro Library's resources and services.
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