Last Updated: Sep 05, 2023 Views: 924

A call number is a short series of letters and numbers that indicate a material's location within a library and on library shelves.

Books are arranged on the shelves in the library by subject. We use the Library of Congress Classification System This link opens in a new window to assign call numbers to our materials so that materials on similar topics are next to each other on the shelves and patrons and staff can easily find what they need.  For example:

HG 4538  - Indicates a book whose subject is foreign investments.

HG 4538 .B675 2004 - Call number for "Measuring Political Risk: Risks to Foreign Investment" by Charlotte H. Brink

You need to know a book's call number in order to get it off the shelf in the library. Not sure how to find a book by the call number? You can contact the reference desk at, You can also check out the video below for more help.


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