FAQ: What is a domain and how to I evaluate websites by domain?
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Last Updated: Jun 26, 2023
Views: 2919
The domain is the end-part of the web site address. Most U.S.-based web sites use the following domains: .com, .org, .edu, and .gov. When evaluating websites, it's important to pay attention to the domain--this can provide valuable information about what the website may be used for, what information is available on the website, and how reliable it may be.
For example: compare Weather.com with Weather.gov. Both happen to be trusted web sites with good information. Weather.com is from the popular and well-known Weather Channel, while Weather.gov is from the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, a government agency.
The following is a description of the most popular Internet domains:
Domain Extension | Example | Most Commonly Used For | Type of Information Available | Reliability |
.com | CNN: https://www.cnn.com/ |
Commercial entity, business, or anything else |
Could be anything (this is a non-restrictive domain); many media outlets end in .com |
Low - Needs thorough evaluation |
.org | American Red Cross: https://www.redcross.org/ |
Organization, non-profit, or anything else |
Could be anything (this is a non-restrictive domain); professional and medical organizations often use this domain |
Low - Needs thorough evaluation |
.edu | Southern New Hampshire University: https://www.snhu.edu/ |
Educational institutions |
Information about the institution, content created by professionals working at the institution (be careful - some institutions allow non-experts to develop content for their websites) |
Medium - Needs evaluation |
.gov | U.S. Census Bureau: https://www.census.gov/ |
Government agency or department |
Local, City, State, & Federal information (information on these domains are regulated and require certification to be used) |
High - Needs some evaluation |
For more information about domain extensions check out IANA: Root Zone Database and the video below.
Check out the Evaluating Sources guide for more information about evaluating websites and other sources.
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