FAQ: What is RefWorks and how can I use it?
- All
- 7Academic Integrity & Plagiarism
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- 4Research Guides (LibGuides)
- 207Research Help
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- 22University Services
- 3Website
Last Updated: Dec 30, 2024
Views: 3638
RefWorks This link opens in a new window is an online research management, writing and collaboration tool that is designed to help researchers easily gather, manage, store and share all types of information, as well as generate citations and bibliographies. You can access RefWorks on the A-Z Database List.
With RefWorks you can:
- Gather references automatically from article databases and indexes while you research
- Insert formatted references into your paper in a variety of styles (MLA, APA, Turabian, etc.)
- Format your footnotes and bibliographies
- Create a personal research database online
- Store and organize references that are accessible from any computer linked to the Internet
- Search a wide variety of article databases and import references
- Share references with others
- Download and use Write-N-Cite
When accessing RefWorks, new users need to create a username and password. Please use your SNHU email to register.
Please visit the RefWorks guide This link opens in a new window for more information. Questions about RefWorks can be directed to Instructional Support at instructionalsupport@snhu.edu. Instructional Support also has instructions on how to use RefWorks located on their RefWorks webpage This link opens in a new window.
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