Last Updated: Jul 11, 2024 Views: 1853


The Wolak Library Learning Commons on the SNHU campus has seven Study Rooms located on the first and second floors of the building. These rooms are intended to provide the greatest use for as many students as possible. Study Rooms are intended as a place for collaborative work and can be reserved for individual study as well. Study Rooms accommodate approximately 4-6 people (one accommodates up to 10). Current online students who visit SNHU's campus can reserve these spaces as well as campus students. 

You can reserve a Study Room online on the Reserve a Study Room page or by using the link off the library homepage in the "Quick Links" box. There is also an iPad available at the Information Desk in the Wolak Library Learning Commons that can be used to reserve Study Rooms.  

Study Rooms are available to be reserved from:

  • Monday through Thursday 8 am to 9 pm 
  • Friday 8 am to 5 pm 
  • Saturday 12 pm (noon) to 5 pm
  • Sunday 12 pm (noon) to 9 pm 

When you reserve a Study Room, you will be sent an email with a URL asking you to confirm the reservation. If you do not confirm your reservation via the confirmation email within 1 hour of reserving the Study Room, the Study Room will be made available for other Library users to reserve. If you do not get the confirmation email, please check your spam filter or contact the Library at to


Each Study Room includes the following technology:

  • TV
  • HDMI hookups to TV
  • Wireless connection to TV
  • Whiteboards and Expo markers 

If you have a question or experience an issue with the Study Room technology, please visit the IT Help Desk on the first floor of the Wolak Library Learning Commons for assistance. 


Please follow the Study Room policies at all times:  

  • Study Rooms may be reserved for a maximum of 2 hours per day per individual SNHU student.
  • An email address is required in order to reserve a Study Room. Study Rooms may only be reserved by current SNHU students, staff, and faculty. SNHU community members cannot reserve these rooms, but may use them if they are unoccupied. They will be asked to leave if a SNHU student group wishes to use the space.
  • Rooms may be reserved up to three weeks in advance.
  • There is no check-in process once you arrive in the Wolak Library Learning Commons and have made a reservation for a Study Room. You can go directly to your reserved Study Room and start working during your reserved time. 
  • If you are 15 minutes late for your room reservation the Study Room will be made available to other Library users.
  • In the reservation form, you choose what to enter in the "Public name for reservation" such as group name or personal name. That name is publicly visible. Your personal information, such as your SNHU email address, will not be publicly available. Past room reservation information is kept by Library Staff for statistical purposes for up to one year.

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