FAQ: Does the library send books to online students?
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Last Updated: Dec 19, 2024
Views: 16714
YES! Currently enrolled online undergraduate and graduate students, and online faculty and staff whose centers of record and mailing addresses are outside of Manchester, NH are eligible for Off-Campus Library Services (OCLS). Materials from the Shapiro Library circulating collection can be requested via the "Request" feature within the Library Book Search.
Materials will be checked out for a 4 week period. Materials that are overdue for return to the Library 4 weeks after the due date will be subject to both a material replacement charge (minimum of $100.00) plus a non-refundable processing fee of $15.00.
Materials may be renewed online unless other patrons have placed holds on them. You may view your borrowing record and renew items using the "My Library Account" feature in the Library Book Search. Log in using your mySNHU user name (i.e. john.smith) and mySNHU password.
You are responsible for the condition of materials borrowed from the Shapiro Library while they are in your possession and any replacement/processing costs incurred. Your responsibilities for materials extend until their receipt at the Shapiro Library. A prepaid FedEx return shipping label will be sent along with the materials. Ensuring material returns or use of mail tracking procedures for material returns are highly recommended, but chosen at your option.
The returning postmark date will be accepted as the return date when considering whether material is overdue. Overseas returns must use the same package delivery service vendor with whom the materials were shipped from Southern New Hampshire University.
*Note of warning* Not all mailing services used postmark dates. To avoid confusion over return date, please use a service that lists postmark date (ex. USPS). If there is no postmark date, the date received will be used as the check-in date.
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