FAQ: What is copyright and what is intellectual property?
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Last Updated: Oct 03, 2023
Views: 1010
Intellectual property is a term for property created using a person’s intellect, such as inventions or creative works. Copyright is one way that individuals can protect their intellectual property. Other methods of protecting intellectual property include trademarks and patents.
A copyright provides the author or creator of an original work expressed in a tangible medium with a set of exclusive rights. Original works include screenplays, books, photos, videos, blog posts, articles, and other expressions of ideas. A copyright provides the author or creator with the right to copy, distribute, and/or adapt the work.
Authors or creators of a copyrightable work are not required to submit any registrations or other documents in order to ensure that their work is protected by copyright. Although they can choose to register their work with the Copyright Office of the Library of Congress, such registration is not required to enjoy the protections of copyright.
More Information:
SNHU has provided the resources on this page to help individuals learn more about copyright laws and issues. However, SNHU cannot be responsible for the accuracy or completeness of third party links. This page is intended to be educational in nature and is not meant to constitute legal advice.
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