FAQ: Is there a limit to the number of Interlibrary Loan items I may request?
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Last Updated: Sep 05, 2023
Views: 780
NOTE: If you currently have an open Interlibrary Loan request, please CHECK YOUR SNHU EMAIL every day in case we need to contact you about your request. Due to current reduced staffing, we recommend allowing the maximum time possible for processing your ILL requests.
Yes. Each user is limited to submitted 5 interlibrary loan requests per day.
Additionally, a user is limited to no more than 5 physical items (e.g., books, DVDs) from other libraries at a time (articles and book chapters are not considered physical items).
SNHU’s Shapiro Library has an extensive number of online books, articles, and resources available to you immediately. If you are having trouble locating the material you need for your research, please contact one of our reference librarians for assistance at ask@snhu.libanswers.com.
NOTE: Please check your SNHU email at least daily until you receive your copy request or your loan request is returned. We may need to contact you for clarification or updates about your request.
Still have questions or concerns? You can contact the Interlibrary Loan Office via email at ill@snhu.edu.
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