FAQ: How do I use a keyword search to find sources on my topic?
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Last Updated: Jan 02, 2025
Views: 15261
Keywords are also known as search terms. They are the main ideas that would be found in a short description of your research topic.
Words: the Key to Good Research
If you are looking for information about the benefits of eating chocolate, some keywords would be:
chocolate, eating, health, diet, benefits
Synonyms are additional keywords describing your topic using different vocabulary, providing more terms to search with:
cocoa, consumption, wellness, advantages
Use different combinations of keywords together, each keyword representing a different one of your main ideas.
Stick with the AND
Pair two or more of your keywords (each representing your different main ideas) with the logic connector AND in the database search box. The search box could be the Multi-Search on the library homepage, or one of the databases selected from the A-Z Database List.
The AND tells the search to locate items which contain all of the keywords used in the search. Using the chocolate example:
chocolate AND diet AND benefits
chocolate AND consumption AND health
Each combination of keywords will give you different search results because of the way different words can mean the same or similar things.
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