FAQ: I've located a useful article. How can I use it to find similar articles?
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Last Updated: Jul 12, 2024
Views: 18319
Subject Term and Keyword links
Clicking subject terms or keywords that are linked in the detailed description of an article brings up other articles in that database that use those same terms.
For example, say you found the following article and want to see more like it:
Forsius, M., [et al] (2023). Modelling the regional potential for reaching carbon neutrality in Finland: Sustainable forestry, energy use and biodiversity protection. Ambio, 52(11), 1757-1776. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13280-023-01860-1
Click the article title in the search results page to view more details about the article, including the linked subject terms.
Here are examples of some of the subject terms assigned to the article above, as they appear in the database (links are not clickable here):
Some databases offer linked keywords supplied by the author in addition to - or in place of - linked subject terms. Here are examples from another article as they appear in the database (links are not clickable here):
You can also add these subject terms to your list of search terms to use when searching in other databases.
Content authored by: CD
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