Last Updated: Jun 26, 2023 Views: 683

Noise Policy

Adopted from the "Noise Policy" on our "Library Policies" page.


The Shapiro Library is committed to providing an environment that is conducive to study as well as welcoming to all users. All library staff and users of the library should respect the rights of others and refrain from making excessive noise while using the Shapiro Library.

General Noise

Quiet conversation among people studying together in a group is acceptable except in areas designated for quiet study; however, people should keep their voices down.

Cellular Phones/Computer Calls

Cell phone and computer calls:

  • Shapiro Library requires all individuals to set their cell phones to no-ring mode.
  • Cell phone use in bathrooms and areas designated for quiet study is prohibited.
  • Texting is encouraged; however, if you need to make a quick call related to your study please keep it brief and lower your voice.
  • Extended calls need to be taken outside of the library building.
  • At the discretion of library staff, patrons may be asked to take their cell phone conversations outside of the library or discontinue their call on their computer.

Study and Conference Rooms

Study and conference rooms:

  • please note that the rooms are not soundproof.
  • When using a study or conference room, keep the door closed and talk in a normal tone of voice so as not to disturb those who are studying outside the room.

Quiet Study Rooms

In order to provide a space for individuals looking to work without the distraction of conversation, the Third Floor of the Wolak Library Learning Commons has been designated as a Quiet Floor. Additionally, the Carol West Reading Room located on the Third Floor of the Wolak Library Learning Commons is designated as a Quiet Study Room. This means absolutely no talking or group work is permitted in these areas and cellular phones should be turned off.


When groups or individuals become overly disruptive, the group or individual will be asked to discontinue the disruptive behavior or leave the library. All library employees are empowered with the responsibility to approach disruptive groups and individuals and ask them to discontinue the disruptive behavior or leave the library. Library users who become belligerent or refuse to discontinue disruptive behavior will be asked to show their student IDs. If a staff member is uncomfortable asking the individual to show their ID, s/he may call Public Safety and ask them to take over the situation. If a library user does not have a student ID or refuses to show an ID, s/he will be asked to leave the library immediately. If s/he refuses to leave the library when asked, Public Safety will be called.

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