Last Updated: Jun 26, 2023 Views: 1243

You should not need to enter a patron ID number to access EBSCOhost or any EBSCO database, so it is likely that you have been provided with a link that does not route you through the University's proxy server. This means that you are not being recognized as a SNHU user.

To access EBSCOhost, please follow these directions:

  1. Click on the A - Z Database List off our library homepage.
  2. After clicking on the A - Z Databases List, choose "E" from the alphabet near the top/middle of the page.
  3. Find "EBSCOhost" on the alphabetical list of databases available there.

If you have a citation you can try searching for the resource in the Multi-Search or Periodical Finder. Please chat with the Reference Desk if you need help finding the item.

If you were following a link from a Brightspace course, please contact the Reference Desk at or by chat and let us know the course number so that we can get the problem corrected.

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