FAQ: Where can I find legal materials like court cases and laws?
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Last Updated: Dec 30, 2024
Views: 1516
You can find legal materials like court cases and laws by using a database from the A-Z Databases List or by using a Law Research Guide to lead you to other materials like print journals, books, and eBooks.
Library Databases
The A-Z Database List will allow you to search individual databases for legal materials. After going to the A-Z Database List, you can choose a letter from the alphabet across the top of the list to find a database by title. You can also use the "All Subjects" drop down to view a list of databases associated with a particular subject, such as Law.
Some examples of databases with access to legal materials includes:
- NexisUni This link opens in a new window
- HeinOnline Legal Databases This link opens in a new window
- Index to Legal Periodicals and Books - EBSCO This link opens in a new window
Research Guides
The Research Guides link on the library's homepage allows you to search our research guides by subject (such as Law) or to browse all available research guides.
The library's research guides will lead you to numerous resources such as databases, journals, books and eBooks, web resources, and more. For example, if you are interested in researching legal materials related to business, check out the Business Law guide. For more general legal materials and topics, try the Justice Studies guide.
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