FAQ: What is a DOI and where can I find one on an electronic resource?
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Last Updated: Jul 16, 2024
Views: 1763
What is a DOI?
DOI stands for "digital object identifier." It is a unique string of letters and numbers that is only connected to one digital object, or resource, on the internet (such as a single journal article, an ebook, etc.). Because it is unique to each digital object, the DOI provides a way to link persistently to that object, and it can also be expressed as a URL.
This is an example DOI (invented for the purpose of this FAQ): 10.4376/6630-4660.21.2.001
This is what that DOI would look like as a URL: https://doi.org/10.4376/6630-4660.21.2.001
You can learn more about DOIs on the DOI Foundation's website.
Where can I find a DOI?
Not every online resource has a DOI. For a library resource, if a DOI is available, you will usually see it on the resource's record page or on the first page of the resource.
Here is an example record page:
Here is an example first page for an article:
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