FAQ: How do I paraphrase?
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Last Updated: Dec 30, 2024
Views: 7308
Paraphrasing means taking the ideas and information from an original source and writing it in your own words. Paraphrasing helps you understand a resource by interpreting and rewording it in your own voice. It also reduces direct quotations and keeps your voice in your writing. This makes your papers more authentic and easier to read.
Like direct quotations, a paraphrase must include a citation giving credit to the original source.
Paraphrasing tips:
- Read through the original passage several times to fully understand its meaning.
- Write the main ideas and key words of the passage. Then, write alternate ways of conveying the same idea with different words.
- Note any unique words or phrases in the original passage that would lose their meaning if you re-wrote them. You can incorporate them into your paraphrase as direct quotations, with quotation marks around them.
- Rewrite the sentence structure, word order and grammar used in the original source. This gives your writing a different voice.
Use these websites and articles for more information about paraphrasing:
- Critical Skills: Paraphrasing This link opens in a new window - Salem Press Encyclopedia
- Paraphrase: Write It in Your Own Words This link opens in a new window - Purdue OWL
- Paraphrasing This link opens in a new window - APA Style
- Paraphrasing This link opens in a new window - (San José State University)
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