Last Updated: Oct 24, 2022 Views: 290

If the learner has the option to read the resource in multiple formats, we recommend using a permanent link that directs them to the page where then can choose what format they'd like to use. Multiple formats could include HTML versions of the resource, PDFs, audio files, ePub, etc.

For example, users are given the option to read the ebook as either a PDF or an ePUB file:

Screenshot highlighting the two different formats for reading an ebook on the detailed record page


Why do we recommend this?

  • Better Performance: directly into the resource (e.g. a specific page or chapter) often results in slow load times for learners, depending on their device and connection speed.
  • Accessibility: Linking to the page where learners can choose the format may assist with accessibility. Some formats may be more accessible to learners and linking directly to the full text may hinder their ability to use the resource.
  • Universal Design: Linking to the page where learners can choose the format, provides them with options based on their preferences.

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