Last Updated: Jun 26, 2023 Views: 2763

General Information

We have many different eBook databases and your options will vary, but in general, there are two different ways to use the eBooks.  Your first option is to read the eBook online, which does require an Internet connection.  Below are two examples of how you would do that.

Reading Books Online

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

If you have found an ebook that you want to read online please follow these steps.

  1. Click on the eBook's title to open up its record page.
  2. Click on the PDF Full Text or EPUB Full Text icon to look at the full text of the eBook:

    Screenshot of where the PDF and EPUB Full Text are located on a book's record page in EBSCO's eBook Collection database

  3. Once you are in the eBook, you can either click the Search Within link to look for keywords or you can use the table of contents to navigate to a specific chapter. 

    Screenshot of where the "search within" function is in EBSCO's eBook Collection database

Ebook Central

If you have found an eBook that you want to read online please follow these steps.

  1. Click on the eBook's title to open up its record page.
  2. Click the Read Online button to look at the full text of the eBook.

    Screenshot of where to find the "Read Online" button in ProQuest's Ebook Central

  3. Once you are in the eBook, you can either type in your keywords into the “search within book” search box or you can use the table of contents to navigate to a specific chapter. 

    Screenshot of the "Search within book" option in ProQuest's Ebook Central

Downloading an eBook

The second option is to download the eBook to your computer or device so you can read the eBook while you are offline.  You must create an account with the eBook database to do this (separate from your mySNHU login) and you must have Adobe Digital Editions or Bluefire Reader installed on your computer or device for it to work.  Instructions:

Please reach out to a librarian if you have any trouble accessing an eBook.  You can email us at or chat with a librarian 24/7 from our library homepage.

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