FAQ: How can I find an English translation for a library source?
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Last Updated: Dec 30, 2024
Views: 490
Library database translation options
If you found the source within one of our library databases, look for a translation tool within the database. For example, once you click on the title of a document, most HTML full text documents have a translation option that looks like this:
Here is an example from one of our Gale databases:
Browser translation options
If you do not see a translation tool or option within the database, check if your browser has a translate option. For example, if you click on a Full Text Finder link for an article in the Multi-Search and it leads you to the full text of the article in our Science Direct database, try right clicking anywhere on the page and you should see a menu with a Translate to English option.
Google Translate
Google Translate This link opens in a new window offers a free document translation option. It is machine-generated and may contain errors, but it should allow you to get the source's main idea.
Ask for Help!
Please contact a librarian if you would like assistance looking for an English translation. In some cases, we can find a published translation for you. For example, we often hear from students looking for an English translation of the Italian poem, “Stanze per la giostra” by Poliziano. We have the English translation by David Quint in our library print collection. We can mail it to online students within 1-3 business days. Please see our Off-Campus Library Services Information guide for more information on borrowing Shapiro Library materials.
Content authored by: GS
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