Last Updated: Jun 26, 2023 Views: 408

If you are searching within library databases, you do not need to worry about this message. There are two main reasons this page might appear:

  • If you are searching within Multi-Search, the search box on the library home page, this message does appear from time to time because certain browsers do not like the way images are configured in the results list. Unfortunately, we are not able to change this. This does not affect the security of your data or computer.
  • If you click on a full-text finder link from the Multi-Search results list and it directs you to an open-access resource outside the library, it’s possible that the resource has not been configured for HTTPS. Again, this is not something we can change since these are resources outside of the library. Please proceed with caution when opening resources outside of the library’s databases.

If you have additional questions or concerns about this message, please contact the IT Help Desk 24/7 at 1.855.877.9919 or you can chat with the IT Help Desk.

Content authored by: GS

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