Last Updated: Sep 05, 2023 Views: 3891

Interlibrary loan (ILL) is a free cooperative service between libraries that provides current SNHU students, staff, faculty, and emeritus faculty access to articles, books, and other materials not available through Shapiro Library.

Articles and book chapters will be delivered to you electronically via your ILL user portal. Books and media will be delivered to either your home address, or to SNHU.  For more information on delivery see the FAQ Where do I pick up interlibrary loan requests?

To provide faster service, we will fill book requests with ebook editions whenever possible. If Shapiro Library owns an ebook, we will not borrow or purchase a print copy unless necessary to accommodate an accessibility concern—please use the Special Instructions note field on each request if you require this accommodation.

NOTE: Please check your SNHU email at least daily until you receive your copy request or your loan request is returned. We may need to contact you for clarification or updates about your request.

For more information, please view our ILL FAQs.

Still have questions or concerns? You can contact the Interlibrary Loan Office via email at

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