Last Updated: Oct 24, 2022 Views: 457

In some cases, there may be multiple pages you can build permanent links to for material in library databases. The best practice is to build permanent links to content's detailed item record with full text.

You may find multiple detailed item records for the same content, especially if you are using the Multi-search tool. Choose the detailed item record the includes the full text of the content and follow the linking instructions for that database or collection. The benefits to linking to the detailed item record with full text include:

  • Giving students options for how to access content if available

If multiple formats are available, we want students to be able to choose the format that works best for them.

  • Limiting resource load times

Linking directly into PDFs can cause longer wait times for students with slower internet connections.

  • Keeping path to resources short

We want to get students as close as possible to the full-text of an article so that they don't need to continue to look for it after opening the link.

  • Considering the most accessible path to resources.

Giving students a choice about which format to use when there are multiple is also an accessibility best practice, but linking to the detailed record is good for the accessibility of the resource in other ways, as well. Linking directly into an inaccessible pdf gives students who use assistive technology no context about what has happened. If you link to the detailed record instead, they at least get some information about what they are trying to access, and the library or their accessibility center can assist them more easily.

Explore the following related FAQs or consult your eLearning Librarian for further information.

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