Last Updated: Jan 30, 2025 Views: 49626

Research Your Target Market

Once you choose your product, go to the Shapiro Library’s Mintel database, where you can search for reports and report segments on the type of product you chose.

For a tutorial on how to use the Mintel database to find demographic data, please see our Mintel Academic Overview video This link opens in a new window.

We recommend the following reports that correspond to the product choices for your project:

There is an expandable navigation menu on the left side of the report that you can use to explore the different report sections. For reports that were created prior to 2024, there is an Appendix with available files for download. We highly recommend that you download the Databook Excel file:

Mintel database navigation menu with Appendix highlighted

The first page in the Databook is a table of contents that tells you what types of questions were asked in the survey and which pages contain the data for those questions. The tabs are listed across the bottom of the Databook.

As you explore the questions and the survey data, look at the “by demographics” tab to see demographic categories like gender, age, generation, etc. These demographic pages tell you what percentage of people surveyed from different demographic groups answered that question. For example, you can see what percentage of people in each age group purchased chocolate in different formats.

Image of an Excel spreadsheet

You can scroll down each page in the spreadsheet to see more demographic categories. Based on the information you see, you can choose a target market for your product. Please note that there is no one right answer regarding the target market you select. The goal is to make an educated guess as to who might buy your product based on the research you have done using these Mintel reports.


Develop a Persona

Now that you have your target market and demographic data, go to the ESRI Tapestry Segmentation Reports This link opens in a new window to find psychographic data. Scroll down to the LifeMode groups and skim the information available to see which segment fits best with your target market.

(Please note that the Shapiro Library does not subscribe to content on the ESRI site outside of what is freely available on the Tapestry Segmentation Reports page.)

A website with an arrow pointing to the LifeMode groups heading

Each LifeMode group has 4-5 corresponding segments. Each segment is hyperlinked and will open a full PDF report.

A website with arrows pointing to different link options

Unfortunately, there are no descriptions for the segments, so you may have to explore multiple PDFs to determine which segment is a good match for your target market.

Citing Your Sources

You will find sample citations for Mintel and ESRI in this FAQ: How do I cite business resources (like a SWOT, etc.) in APA Style? For additional assistance with citations, please contact our Academic Support team.

For Further Assistance

For questions about Mintel or ESRI, please contact the Reference Desk. For assistance with understanding the assignment, please reach out to your professor first. For additional rubric or writing support, book an appointment with a SNHU peer tutor.

Content authored by: GS

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