FAQ: How do I find target market information for my product in the Shapiro Library?
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Last Updated: Jan 30, 2025
Views: 9438
Consumer Research Databases
Below are several of the best consumer research databases that Shapiro Library has. They provide a mix of demographic and psychographic information. For more detailed information on many of these databases, be sure to check out this Target Audience page from our COM-227 research guide. Even if you are not in that class, you will find this page extremely helpful as you search for the same type of information.
- Mintel - Mintel offers market research reports covering US and International marketplaces. Each report combines data & analysis of the competitive landscape, market-share analysis and consumer profiles. Complex demographic issues are broken into easy-to-understand sections, explaining consumer behavior and demonstrating the structure of the market.
- For example, review the Chocolate Confectionery report This link opens in a new window for MKT-205. Be sure to download the Excel Databook for detailed demographic data on who buys chocolate.
- Euromonitor Passport - Passport is a global market research database providing statistics, analysis, reports, surveys and breaking news on industries, countries and consumers worldwide.
- Try a search for Chocolate Confectionery in the US.
- Statista - Statista is one of the leading statistics companies on the internet. With a team of over 200 statisticians, database experts, analysts, and editors, Statista provides users with an innovative and intuitive tool for researching quantitative data, statistics and related information. Offers consumer reports by industry and company.
- Try a search for chocolate consumption United States and you will see a 44 page dossier entitled Chocolate in the United States This link opens in a new window at the top of your search results.
- RKMA Market Research Handbooks - Shapiro Library subscribes to a number of consumer behavior and marketing research handbooks in sports, leisure, entertainment and travel
- Relevant reports include Consumer Behavior 2023 and Business-Restaurant, Food & Beverage Market Research 2023.
Business Databases
In addition to the above databases, also try searching our business article databases for your product. For example, (carob OR carob chocolate) AND (market OR marketing OR target market):
Additional Resources
Finally, these sites are recommended if you are working on a target market demographic profile:
- Claritas This link opens in a new window (Please see the below FAQs for help with setting up reports in this database.)
- ESRI This link opens in a new window (ESRI Tapestry Segmentation Reports - please note that there is no library access to the Tapestry platform other than to these reports.)
- Mintel (Once you agree to the terms and conditions, look for the search box on the left side near the middle of the screen and try a search for “Marketing to Gen Z This link opens in a new window” or “Marketing to Baby Boomers This link opens in a new window.”)
- WGSN (Look for the Insight link on the top left and then click the Generations link to look at the various reports on the different generations.)
For additional assistance, please contact us through chat (24/7) or email at ask@snhu.libanswers.com.
Content authored by: GS
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